EE871 -CO2 probe with Modbus RTU interface
CO2 probe with Modbus RTU interface
EE871 operates on the dual wavelength NDIR principle, which compensates for ageing effects, is highly insensitive to pollution and stands for outstanding long-term stability even in demanding environment.
A multiple point CO2 and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO2 measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range, ideal for use in agriculture or outdoors for instance. The measured data range of up to 5 % CO2 (50,000 ppm) is available on E2 digital interface and up to 1 % CO2 (10,000 ppm) is available on Modbus RTU interface.
An optional kit facilitates easy configuration and adjustment of EE871. The measurement interval can be set according to the application requirements, by this the average current consumption can be reduced to 120μA for battery-operated devices.
Technical data
0...2000 ppm
Measuring range CO2
0...5000 ppm
0...10,000 ppm
0...3 %
0...5 % -
< ±(50 ppm +2 % of mv*)
Accuracy CO2 - *mv = measured value
< ±(50 ppm + 3 % of mv*)
< ±(100 ppm +5 % of mv*)
< ±(1.5 % from full scale + 2 % of mv*)
< ±(1.5 % from full scale + 2 % of mv*) -
Modbus RTU or E2 interface
Outputs -
4.75-7.5V DC