EE600的外壳防护等级高达IP65/NEMA 4,专用的外部安装孔使变送器实现了封盖安装,可有效避免在安装过程中损坏或污染电子元件。精巧的外壳设计大大降低了安装成本。EE600可以选择满量程1000Pa或10000Pa进行测量,测量精度高达±0.5%FS。用户也可通过DIP拨码开关选择其他量程范围。EE600使用了压敏电阻式敏感元件,保证了变送器优越的长期稳定性。
用户可通过电路板上的DIP拨码开关自主选择压力量程(0...250/500/750/1000 Pa或0...2500/5000/7500/10000 Pa)。
技术资料 EE600
I: 0...250/500/750/1000 Pa
II: 0...2500/5000/7500/10000 Pa
精度 - *FS = 量程范围 (1000PA或10000PA)
0...1000Pa ± 10000Pa
0...10000Pa ± 80000Pa
0-5V或0-10V 和
模拟输出 - 可通过拨码开关选择
Differential Pres
The EE600 is dedicated for the measurement of differential air pressure in ventilation and air conditioning systems or for filter monitoring. Additionally, it can be employed for all non-flammable and non-aggressive gases.
The innovative IP65 / NEMA 4 enclosure facilitates mounting and minimizes installation costs. It is available as multi-range device with full scale 1,000 Pa (4 inch WC) and 10,000 Pa (40 inch WC). The piezo-resistive pressure sensing element ensures highly accurate and long-term stable measurements.
Four measuring ranges (0...250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 Pa or 0...2500 / 5000 / 7500 / 10000 Pa) can be selected via DIP-switches on the electronics board. This makes the EE600 particularly versatile.
The output signal and the response time can also be set directly on the board. With push buttons, the user can easily perform a zero and span point adjustment.
Key Features
- Multi-Range measurement
- Fully configurable
- Large graphic display
- Installation-friendly enclosure
Technical data
I: 0...250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 Pa
Measuring range
II: 0...2500 / 5000 / 7050 / 10000 Pa -
±2 % FS*
Accuracy - *Full Scale
±1 % FS* -
0...1000 Pa ± 10000 Pa
Overload limits
0...10000 Pa ± 80000 Pa -
0-5 V or 0-10 V and
Analog outputs - selectable with DIP switches
0-20 mA or 4-20 mA