
EE211外壳防护等级为IP65/NEMA 4,显著降低了安装成本,并同时提供出色的抗污染和冷凝的保护。所有的测量参数都可以通过 Modbus RTU 数字接口获得,而其中的任意两个值可通过模拟信号以电压或电流 (三线)形式的输出。此外,在可选的带背光显示屏上最多可同时显示三个测量参数值。
- 果蔬存储
- 气调库和环境试验箱
- 绿色大棚、孵化室和食用菌行业

Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Continuous High Humidity
The EE211 is dedicated for accurate and long term stable measurement under continuous high humidity (>85 % RH) and condensing conditions in demanding climate control.
It features a heated humidity probe and an interchangeable temperature probe. Excellent performance of EE211 even in polluted, aggressive environment is ensured by the combination of completely encapsulated measurement electronics inside the humidity probe and the long-term stable HCT01 sensor with E+E proprietary coating.
The EE211 enclosure is rated IP65/NEMA 4, minimizes installation costs and provides outstanding protection against pollution and condensation. All measured and calculated values are available on the Modbus RTU interface whereas two of the values are available on the analogue voltage or current (3-wire) output. Additionally up to three values can be shown simultaneously on the optional illuminated display.
With the optional product configuration adapter EE-PCA the user can set the Modbus RTU interface parameters, the display format, the measured parameters and the output scaling. Furthermore, the user can perform an one or two point humidity and temperature adjustment. The T probe can also be adjusted separate; for the metal version of the T probe the reference can be a high accuracy dry block calibrator.
- Fruit and vegetable storage
- Cooling, ripening and environmental chambers
- Green houses, incubators and mushroom industry
0...100% RH
Measuring range Humdity -
-5...30 °C: ±(1.3+0.007*mv°)% RH
Accuracy Humdity - °measured value -
-40...60 °C (-40...140 °F)
Measuring range Temperature -
±0.1 °C
Accuracy Temperature at 20°C (68°F) -
0-5/10 V or 0/4-20 mA
Analogue outputs -
RS485 or Modbus RTU
Digital output -